the horse being strong and graceful was a sign of wealth in ancient greek.they were used for athletes to have races the most popular event.
Greek mythology project (c)Christopher Allen.
Some there are who say that the fairest thing seen
on the black earth is an array of horsemen;
some, men marching; some would say ships; but I say
she whom one loves best
is the loveliest. Light were the work to make this
plain to all, since she, who surpassed in beauty
all mortality, Helen, once forsaking
her lordly husband,
fled away to Troy-land across the water.
Not the thought of child nor beloved parents
was remembered, after the Queen of Cyprus
won her at first sight.
Since young brides have hearts that can be persuaded
easily, light things, palpitant to passion
as am I, remembering Anaktoria
who has gone from me
and whose lovely walk and the shining pallor
of her face I would rather see before my
eyes than Lydia's chariots in all their glory
armored for battle.
The earliest buildings that were built in Greece in the new stone age are small houses and wooden walls around them for protection. Later bigger houses and stone walls around the villages were built . During the greek ages palaces were burned and the roads and bridges and dams mostly fell apart. But at the end of the Dark Ages was the beginning of the iron age the in Greece.we see a new type of building like the temple for the gods . There are houses but no more palaces. But roads and bridges and stone walls begin to be built again.