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Friday, April 9, 2010


the horse being strong and graceful was a sign of wealth in ancient greek.they were used for athletes to have races the most popular event.

greek food

To the Greeks food had religious meaning. they never ate meat unless it had been sacrifesied or hunted wild . They believed that it was wrong to kill and eat a animal without sacrificing it to the gods.they though certain food were better then others.

wreath or honor

this is golden olive wreath it is given to a winning athlete. it can be used to crown a statue or decorations.

greeek show

tthis is a greek therater it is open toped n can hold thousands of people.the greeks loved to watch shows. some would even stay for days at a time.itntrest ing fact there were no women allowed to watch play and also there were only men actors no women the men played many roles.

the doric order

this order is the first of all the orders .it was developed in dorian. it is kinda like a mans body strong and sturdy because it was thought to be a male order.its very plan.


this man in the picture is using a strigil it is used as a scraper by athletes to scrap off all the dirt and sweat that was on there body's after sports or exercising.


death usually came at a young age in greek times.body were eithe creamated or buried .the cremations would be givin back to the family to pour were they think best or buried in the family plot.the greeks beleaved in after life.they used bath tubs as coffins of the owner because they beleaved soul must travel by water.